lady in yellow sweater searching on laptop

Who is Searching for You?

Find Out Who is Searching for you Online

Whether you are a business or an individual, you more than likely have been Googled at some point. Employers, customers, friends, or even competitors could all be potential culprits for searching for you on the web. This can be intriguing and leave you questioning who exactly is searching for you online.

Sadly, finding out exactly who is looking for you online is impossible, but developing some control over what they are able to find is not. Obtaining control over your online presence can be a form of reputation defense against any negativity that surrounds your online reputation.

This can save you from the harmful effects that negative posts cause: losing a job, business, friends, or even a loved one. Therefore, becoming familiar with the search engine and “people-search” algorithms can be exceptionally insightful and helpful in these situations.

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Search Engine Algorithms

Websites are placed higher on Google if they hold more popularity or visitors. The broader the search, the broader the results, which are usually only leading companies or people. Like any other searches within Google, adding onto the search with various factors such as professions, social media, hometowns, and even interest can gradually narrow down the results until you ultimately will find, well, you.

blonde women searching on computer

Keywords are the variations of words that individuals are searching for the most. Google Adwords assists with discovering all possible keywords. Google’s auto-suggest feature shows once you have typed in your search query. This exercise will efficiently show what users are typing in when they are looking for your name online.

As well as providing insights on what information is available about you.

“People-Search” Algorithms

For a more in-depth analysis of what your online presence is, individuals can utilize “people-search” sites. These sites take a step further in finding information about people and differ from the conventional web search. Background reports provide a condensed profile of personal information.

All records are pulled from various areas of the web (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.). Each report includes the following:

people search infographic

Backgrounds are a great tool for employers and competitors who want quick and easy information on a business or individual. It can be detrimental to employees or rival businesses that wish to conceal that information. Discover what areas you excel in and make sure people know.

Online Reputation – Defend Your Privacy

Enabling a strategy can put you a step ahead of screening employer’s’ competitors. ORM allows you to easily control what they are able to find out about you online. Whether you have “controversial” attributes or simply do not wish for anyone to locate private information about you online.

implementing an online reputation management strategy can successfully aid in various areas of reputation repair, information removal, and protection.

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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